Kerry Andrews

Kerry Andrews

NVHF Co-Founder


Kerry was a friend, mentor, and tireless advocate for change. Kerry not only wanted to make the Napa wine industry more successful; he wanted to make it kinder and more human. Every decision, plan and shoot-for-the-stars idea that he had was guided by the goal of making sure that those of us in this industry were cared for and respected.

Kerry passed away in September of 2021 and we still feel his loss.

There would be no Napa Valley Hospitality Forum without Kerry's vision and we will honor him with every future meeting.  

If you didn’t have the pleasure of meeting Kerry or would like to learn more about him please see the PDF below of the 2018 profile of him from Napa Valley Life magazine written by former NVHF Board Member Laura Larson.

2018 Profile of Kerry Andrews from Napa Valley Life Magazine
